Most rural farmers in Malawi attempt to farm as much as 2 acres of land every year, and yet are
still unable to produce enough food to last them till the end of the year. To alleviate this many
farmers believe that the answer is to either farm more land or to mechanise. Unfortunately,
neither of these options work as larger land means even poorer standards and no increase in
The Pfumudza Concept for #zerohunger that we believe the Ministry of Agriculture in Malawi
should adopt solves the food insecurity issue that Malawi is facing.
To fill a bucket with shelled maize you would require 56 cobs weighing 300 grams each.
If each maize plant produced at least one cob, all you require to fill your bucket are 56 plants.
With a household of an average of 6 people to eat three times a day, all you need is a bucket a week and year has 52 weeks (rows).
Row spacing should be at 75cm apart and 60cm within rows. 2 plants per station = 28 stations with spacing of 60 Cm within
translates to 16 m width plot. 52 rows (one per week) at a spacing of 75cm = 39 m plot
The Pfumudza Concept for #zerohunger that we believe the Ministry of Agriculture in Malawi
should adopt solves the food insecurity issue that Malawi is facing.
Notes for Maximum Output
Ensure your fields are weed free and mulched after harvest and throughout winter.
Each pack will be sufficient for a plot of 39m x 16m. Do not do more than 1 plot to start with (39m x 16m).
Mark out your field in winter with permanent pegs. Weed and mulch your field.
Dig planting stations for each plot (rows must run across the slope), 52 rows, which are 75cm apart. The in row spacing
is 60cm and the row length of 16m will have 28 planting stations. You will thus be digging 1456 stations per plot.
Ensure field is weed free by 25th October.
Place lime (5 cup from Pack 1 by 1st November) and 1 x 350ml tin of compost if available.
Place basal Fertilizer (8 cup from Pack 2 by 1st November).
Cover lime and fertilizer leaving planting depth of 5cm by 1st November.
Plant 3 seeds per hole (from pack 3), with 2 litres of water per station or first effective planting rain, by 25th November.
Three weeks after emergence thin to 2 plants per planting station.
Top dress (5 cup from Pack 4), immediately after thinning, 10cm from plant upside of plant and cover.
After topdressing do first weeding. Continue weeding!
Apply stalk borer treatment (28 days after first rain).
Second topdressing (5 cup from pack 5) when first tassles appear, 10cm from plant upside of plant and cover.
Continue weeding.
Harvest with joy and feed your family.
Do final weeding and lay stalks down for next seasons mulch.
Keep field weed free through winter.